Dental therapy

Dental Therapy and Endodontic treatment

Dental therapy at the dental clinic Dental Shop

Therapeutic dentistry is a field of dentistry which deals with all types of tooth decay carious, erosive or traumatic.

Digital X-ray

Our clinic used digital X-ray system which enhances the quality of dentist work, it helps to diagnose carious spread, find inflammation in the teeth and jaw helps control root canal treatment.

Tooth restoration

Nowadays even severe tooth decay can be treated and restored with modern materials. If the root is properly treated, even almost ruined tooth can be brought back to life.

Composite materials

We use the new generation light cured materials which are based on nanotechnology. These materials are very resistible in oral cavity, release fluoride, have wide range of colors. The minimum invasion technique is used to prepare the tooth when filling with composite rather that with amalgam. This technique saves the tooth tissue.

Endodontic treatment

This is a root canal treatment. Endodontic treatment helps to save the roots of the teeth from the infection and inflammation, giving dentist a chance to use this root for further restoration. Even severely inflamed roots have high chances to survive if a proper endodontic treatment is applied.

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